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2022 wrap up

Hi there,

The end of another year is upon us and so much has happened this year. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support throughout 2022.

Smart Start supporters, early childhood advocates and the entire early childhood sector have had another year far removed from ‘normal’. Early learning has been at the forefront of the political agenda, very prominent in the media and still continues to offer an essential service and has continued to be a constant in many children’s and families lives.

With the help of many supporters, advocates, partners, organisations and campaigns, early learning is being taken seriously by our governments.

Three huge wins for the year were:

- Better support for families with young children – with more affordable access to early learning AND better paid parental leave

- Recognition that the ECEC workforce is essential and needs to be valued

- A long term reform pathway to make the system better for all families with young children

Read the 2022 wrap up for more of the great things that have happened this year for early learning in Australia.

2022 wrap up!

Now really is the perfect time to get behind our campaign and make a difference! There is so much on the horizon for 2023 and we look forward to bringing you along with the campaign for another year!

We hope that the holiday season provides an opportunity to reflect on the year that has been, enjoy time with family, friends and loved ones and refresh for the new year ahead.

And thanks particularly to early childhood teachers and educators everywhere who have kept providing quality programs for our children during another very difficult year, you make such a difference.

Thank you and we look forward to your ongoing support, and another great year for Early learning, in 2023.

~ The Smart Start Team ~


P.S Do you know someone who wants to help support early learning, forward this email on, invite them to join our campaign, or share our Facebook page.

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