Dec 20, 2024
2024 wrap up!
Hi there,
The end of another year is upon us, a massive year, in fact one of the biggest years for early learning yet (we feel like we say this every year). We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for supporting Smart Start. Whether you have been along the journey for a while or just started with the campaign recently, thank you for being here.

Early learning has been at the forefront of the political agenda, prominent in the media and has supported children through another year of learning, thriving and growing.
So much happened in 2024, here are some really great highlights:
· A year on from the Federal Government’s Cheaper Child Care Legislation taking effect, here is an article we shared on what it has meant for families.
· The Federal Government announced its support for the ECEC workforce through a Federally funded Educator wage increase – that is now passed into legislation and is heading into educators pockets.
· The first supported multi-employer agreement has been formally signed and lodged with the Fair Work Commission initially covering at least 12,000 ECEC educators across 60 employers meaning they can access the Federally funded wage increase.
· The Fair Work Commission’s gender undervaluation review began this year looking at modern award classifications and minimum wage rates to remedy potential gender undervaluation including those who work under the Children’s Services Award, findings are expected in early 2025.
· An Early Years Strategy Advisory Panel was appointed by the Government and an Early Years Strategy was released putting together a ten year road map for Australia’s children.
· The Productivity Commission’s report on the review of Early Childhood Education and care was released. Check out the summary we popped together here.
· The Government announced just last week its plans to give ALL children access to 3 days of early learning along with its next steps to building a universal early education system.
Smart Start launched a new website where you can catch up on the year that has been and anything you may have missed on our news page.

We hope that the holiday season provides an opportunity to reflect on the year that has been and reset for 2025.
Special thanks to early childhood teachers and educators everywhere who have continued providing quality programs for our children, you make such a difference.
Thank you! We look forward to an even bigger 2025.
~ The Smart Start Team ~