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e-news: BIG NEWS for Early Learning!

Hi There,

It has been a month since the Federal Election and A LOT has happened for early learning.

Firstly we welcome a new Prime Minister – Anthony Albanese, An new Minister for Education – Jason Clare and a Minister for Early Childhood Education Dr Anne Aly. We look forward to seeing their election commitments come to life.

During the election campaign Labor’s single largest election commitment was ‘Cheaper Child Care’With $5.4 billion allocated over the next four years.

Initially changes will be made to the Child Care Subsidy taper meaning more families will pay less for childcare, and no family will be worse off!

Longer term there are plans in place for the ACCC to develop a price regulation mechanism for ECEC; A Productivity Commission inquiry to support implementation of a universal 90% subsidy; A whole of Government Early Years Strategy to create an integrated early years approach; and Giving the Fair Work Commission the power to order pay increases in low paid feminised industries (like early childhood).

Last week we saw some serious reform announced jointly by the NSW and Vic state governments committing to the introduction of universal free preschool for 5 days a week in the year before school.  Goodstart called this $14.8 billon policy commitment a gamechanger  that offers the real opportunity to improve educational outcomes for Australia’s children.

Senior journalist George Megalogenis described the bipartisan announcement as “..without exaggeration, the most significant piece of public policy to come from any level of government since John Howard’s gun law reforms in 1996.” And we agree! The challenge is to now implement the reform well, and get the others states to follow.

There are so many advocates out there celebrating these wins for Early Childhood Education and care and we are really proud to be a voice amongst them.

We want to thank you for supporting early learning in Australia, why not tell a friend or colleague who might be interested in joining our campaign? Invite them to join our campaign, or share our Facebook page.


No child should miss out on the chance to thrive. Together we can make a difference for early learning in Australia.

From Kelly MacDonald

~ For the Smart Start campaign

P.S Do you know someone who wants to help make a difference? Invite them to join our campaign, or share our Facebook page.

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