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e-news: May update

Hi there,

We wanted to quickly share two opportunities to provide feedback that could influence early learning in Australia and Kindy in Queensland.

National Early Years Strategy - Expressions of interest for a parent-specific roundtable

The Australian Government is developing an Early Years Strategy to shape its vision for the future of Australia’s children and their families.

Initial submissions and surveys have now closed and the next step in the process are several consultation roundtables.

Expressions of interest are now open for parent-specific roundtables. We encourage you to get involved as these discussions will directly inform the Strategy’s development and benefit all of Australia’s children.

The Strategy aims to deliver the best possible outcomes for Australian children, recognising how critical the early years are for a child’s development. 

To register your interest in attending, email

Early Years Strategy: find out more HERE

Queensland has this week announced a survey asking parents what they think about free Kindy.  

We encourage you to take the time to complete the short survey and share with anyone you know who may be interested in having a say.

Take the QLD Kindy survey

There is a lot happening around the country, make sure you get involved to help shape the policy for our youngest Australians!


~ The Smart Start Team ~

P.S Do you know someone who wants to help support early learning, forward this email on, invite them to join our campaign, or share our Facebook page.

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