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e-news: Jobs Summit

Hi There,

Another busy few weeks in a year that continues to spotlight the importance of early childhood education and care, and we are hoping the momentum will keep going over the next 2 months.

Ahead of the Jobs and Skills Summit on 1-2 September in Canberra there have been a number of roundtable discussions between ministers and stakeholders in the sector as well as a teacher workforce roundtable attended by state and territory education ministers.

Our friends at Thrive By Five are calling on parents to help support educators and the vital role they play in our children’s early years. You can email the Prime Minister and Treasurer here and ask them to ensure that the Early learning workforce is at the top of the agenda for the Jobs and Skills summit. The sector needs urgent action to fix the workforce crisis, and this is a great opportunity to get the issue front and centre! Do your bit and support educators to get the recognition and respect they deserve. 

Send your email NOW!

The Prime Minister has revealed Australia’s 10 most in demand professions with no surprises that Early Childhood Teachers and early childhood educators have made the list. The Jobs and skills summit will investigate how the government can deliver immediate action on the shortage of skills in Australia.

Early childhood educators are raising their voices and have planned a day of action on September 7 calling for a real plan to reform the early childhood education and care sector, better recognition of their professional roles, and of the role they play in the education and care of our children.

Every child deserves a Smart Start and our educators are a key part of the early learning and care system in Australia. Without them our children would not receive the quality of education that they deserve.

Take action

Together we can make a difference for early learning in Australia.

From Kelly MacDonald

~ For the Smart Start campaign

P.S Do you know someone who wants to help make a difference? Forward this email on, invite them to join our campaign, or share our Facebook page.

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